10:25:32,840 INFO anaconda: /sbin/anaconda 10:25:33,433 INFO anaconda: created new libuser.conf at /tmp/libuser.aBYOAj with instPath="/mnt/sysimage" 10:25:33,437 INFO anaconda: 2097152 kB (2048 MB) are available 10:25:33,475 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:2048, needed:320, graphical:410 10:25:33,479 INFO anaconda: Switching logging level to debug 10:25:33,510 INFO anaconda: anaconda called with cmdline = ['/sbin/anaconda'] 10:25:33,512 INFO anaconda: Default encoding = utf-8 10:25:33,598 INFO anaconda: Running kickstart %%pre script(s) 10:25:33,601 INFO anaconda.stdout: Running pre-installation scripts 10:25:33,626 INFO anaconda: All kickstart %%pre script(s) have been run 10:25:33,628 INFO anaconda: Parsing kickstart: /run/install/ks.cfg 10:25:34,636 DEBUG anaconda: setting locale to: en_US.UTF-8 10:25:34,659 DEBUG anaconda: network: devices found ['ens3'] 10:25:34,794 DEBUG anaconda: network: pre kickstart - updating settings of device ens3 10:25:34,904 DEBUG anaconda: network: kickstart pre section applied for devices ['ens3'] 10:25:35,210 DEBUG anaconda: network: setting ONBOOT value of ens3 to True 10:25:35,479 DEBUG anaconda: network: real kickstart ONBOOT value set for devices ['ens3'] 10:25:35,522 DEBUG anaconda: updating hostname localhost.localdomain 10:25:35,646 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (139751160645376) 10:25:35,659 INFO anaconda: Display mode = g 10:25:35,662 INFO anaconda: 2097152 kB (2048 MB) are available 10:25:35,664 DEBUG anaconda: network: waiting for connecting NM (dhcp in progress?), timeout=45 10:25:35,693 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:2048, needed:320, graphical:410 10:25:35,697 INFO anaconda.stdout: Starting VNC... 10:25:38,411 DEBUG anaconda: network: NM connected, waited 2 seconds 10:25:38,453 INFO anaconda: got 0 NTP servers from DHCP 10:25:38,455 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (139751160645376) 10:25:39,995 DEBUG anaconda: X server has signalled a successful start. 10:25:40,000 INFO anaconda.stdout: The VNC server is now running. 10:25:40,002 WARN anaconda.stdout: WARNING!!! VNC server running with NO PASSWORD! You can use the vncpassword= boot option if you would like to secure the server. 10:25:40,004 INFO anaconda.stdout: Please manually connect your vnc client to to begin the install. 10:25:40,006 INFO anaconda.stdout: Attempting to start vncconfig 10:25:41,291 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/meh/ui/gui.py:23: PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import Gtk 10:25:41,374 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/__init__.py:26: PyGIWarning: AnacondaWidgets was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('AnacondaWidgets', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import Gdk, Gtk, AnacondaWidgets, Keybinder, GdkPixbuf, GLib, GObject 10:25:41,376 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/__init__.py:26: PyGIWarning: Keybinder was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Keybinder', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import Gdk, Gtk, AnacondaWidgets, Keybinder, GdkPixbuf, GLib, GObject 10:25:41,648 INFO anaconda: Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the highest priority installclass, using it 10:25:43,539 INFO anaconda: boot loader GRUB2 on X86 platform 10:25:43,608 INFO anaconda: boot loader GRUB2 on X86 platform 10:25:43,612 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaStorageThread (139751160645376) 10:25:43,638 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaTimeInitThread (139750925420288) 10:25:43,675 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaPayloadRestartThread (139750917027584) 10:25:43,682 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaPayloadRestartThread (139750917027584) 10:25:43,684 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaPayloadThread (139750908634880) 10:25:44,184 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/network.py:50: PyGIWarning: NMClient was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('NMClient', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import GLib, GObject, Pango, Gio, NetworkManager, NMClient 10:25:44,006 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaTimeInitThread (139750925420288) 10:25:44,208 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/keyboard.py:23: PyGIWarning: Gkbd was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gkbd', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import Gkbd, Gdk, Gtk 10:25:44,370 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/datetime_spoke.py:25: PyGIWarning: TimezoneMap was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('TimezoneMap', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import GLib, Gdk, Gtk, TimezoneMap 10:25:45,070 DEBUG anaconda: Detected primary monitor: 1024x768 95dpix 96dpiy 10:25:48,385 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaStorageThread (139751160645376) 10:25:49,095 DEBUG anaconda: network standalone spoke (init): completed: ['ens3'] 10:25:49,117 DEBUG anaconda: Entered hub: SummaryHub 10:25:49,136 INFO anaconda: Adding controller: SummaryHub 10:25:50,044 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaNTPserver1 (139751160645376) 10:25:50,048 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaNTPserver2 (139750925420288) 10:25:50,058 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaNTPserver3 (139750917027584) 10:25:50,065 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaNTPserver4 (139750860994304) 10:25:50,078 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaDateTimeThread (139750852601600) 10:25:50,266 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaNTPserver4 (139750860994304) 10:25:50,277 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaNTPserver1 (139751160645376) 10:25:50,291 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaNTPserver3 (139750917027584) 10:25:50,549 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaAddLayoutsInitThread (139750917027584) 10:25:50,557 DEBUG anaconda: Starting applying > on 10:25:50,565 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaGtkBatchPre1 (139751160645376) 10:25:50,586 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaGtkBatchPre1 (139751160645376) 10:25:50,744 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaKeyboardThread (139751160645376) 10:25:50,944 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: LangsupportSpoke 10:25:52,054 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaSourceWatcher (139750860994304) 10:25:52,119 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaSoftwareWatcher (139750834915072) 10:25:52,209 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaStorageWatcher (139750826522368) 10:25:52,220 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: StorageSpoke 10:25:52,242 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaStorageWatcher (139750826522368) 10:25:52,370 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaCustomStorageInit (139750826522368) 10:25:52,488 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: FilterSpoke 10:25:52,760 DEBUG anaconda: Dump missing interfaces in NetworkControlBox initialize method 10:25:52,996 DEBUG anaconda: network: GUI, device configuration added: connection 056e47c6-d2b3-4845-8330-43bb8070ff6d device ens3 10:25:53,018 DEBUG anaconda: network: GUI, not adding connection 056e47c6-d2b3-4845-8330-43bb8070ff6d, already in list 10:25:53,063 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: NetworkSpoke 10:25:53,421 INFO anaconda: Initialization of all modules (9) has been started. 10:25:53,423 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: OSCAPguiWaitForDataFetchThread (139750816024320) 10:25:53,739 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: KeyboardSpoke 10:25:53,740 INFO anaconda: setting KeyboardSpoke status to: Getting list of layouts... 10:25:53,748 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: SoftwareSelectionSpoke 10:25:53,760 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: SourceSpoke 10:25:53,760 INFO anaconda: setting SourceSpoke status to: Setting up installation source... 10:25:53,761 INFO anaconda: setting SourceSpoke status to: Probing storage... 10:25:53,761 INFO anaconda: setting SourceSpoke status to: Downloading package metadata... 10:25:53,761 INFO anaconda: setting SoftwareSelectionSpoke status to: Downloading package metadata... 10:25:53,761 INFO anaconda: setting SoftwareSelectionSpoke status to: Downloading group metadata... 10:25:53,761 INFO anaconda: setting StorageSpoke status to: Probing storage... 10:25:53,776 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: StorageSpoke 10:25:53,782 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaExecuteStorageThread (139750807631616) 10:25:53,783 INFO anaconda: setting OSCAPSpoke status to: Fetching content data 10:25:53,793 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: OSCAPSpoke 10:25:53,805 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: StorageSpoke 10:25:53,810 INFO anaconda: setting StorageSpoke status to: Saving storage configuration... 10:25:54,192 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: [] 10:25:54,195 DEBUG anaconda: Bootloader: /boot partition is not present, dry run True 10:25:54,198 DEBUG anaconda: Bootloader: fallback use first disk return from Blivet 'sda' as boot drive, dry run True 06:25:54,007 INFO anaconda: System time set to Fri Mar 24 10:25:54 2017 UTC 06:25:54,000 INFO anaconda: System time set to Fri Mar 24 10:25:54 2017 UTC 06:25:54,000 INFO anaconda: System time set to Fri Mar 24 10:25:54 2017 UTC 06:25:54,008 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: DatetimeSpoke 06:25:54,008 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaDateTimeThread (139750852601600) 06:25:55,027 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaNTPserver2 (139750925420288) 06:25:55,226 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: DatetimeSpoke 06:25:55,233 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True 06:25:55,240 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True 06:25:55,242 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True 06:25:55,242 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True 06:25:55,244 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True 06:25:55,815 DEBUG anaconda: Waiting for thread AnaPayloadThread to exit 06:25:56,700 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: [] 06:25:56,705 DEBUG anaconda: Bootloader: use /boot partition's disk 'sda' as boot drive, dry run False 06:25:56,728 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmvg 06:25:56,734 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv 06:25:56,735 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv 06:25:56,740 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True 06:25:56,741 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True 06:25:56,743 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True 06:25:56,743 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True 06:25:56,744 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True 06:25:56,856 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True 06:25:56,857 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True 06:25:56,858 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True 06:25:56,858 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True 06:25:56,859 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True 06:25:56,860 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda1) returning True 06:25:56,861 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda1) returning True 06:25:56,865 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda1) returning True 06:25:56,866 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_partition(sda1) returning True 06:25:56,867 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda1) returning True 06:25:56,869 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage2_device(sda1) returning True 06:25:56,878 DEBUG anaconda: Storage check started with constraints {'must_be_on_linuxfs': set(['/tmp', '/var', '/usr', '/home', '/', '/usr/lib', '/usr/share']), 'must_be_on_root': set(['/etc', '/bin', '/proc', '/sbin', '/dev', '/lib', 'lost+found', '/mnt', '/root']), 'min_ram': 410, 'req_partition_sizes': {}, 'min_root': Size('250 MiB'), 'must_not_be_on_root': set([]), 'root_device_types': set([]), 'min_partition_sizes': {'/boot': Size('200 MiB'), '/home': Size('100 MiB'), '/var': Size('384 MiB'), '/tmp': Size('50 MiB'), '/usr': Size('250 MiB')}}. 06:25:56,881 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_root. 06:25:56,881 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_partition_sizes. 06:25:56,882 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_partition_format_sizes. 06:25:56,882 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_bootloader. 06:25:56,886 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_gpt_biosboot. 06:25:56,886 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_swap. 06:25:56,886 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_swap_uuid. 06:25:56,886 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_mountpoints_on_linuxfs. 06:25:56,887 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_mountpoints_on_root. 06:25:56,888 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_mountpoints_not_on_root. 06:25:56,888 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_luks_devices_have_key. 06:25:56,889 DEBUG anaconda: Storage check finished with success. 06:25:56,889 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: [] 06:25:57,145 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: CustomPartitioningSpoke 06:25:57,147 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaCustomStorageInit (139750826522368) 06:25:57,206 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmvg 06:25:57,216 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv 06:25:57,217 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv 06:25:57,222 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True 06:25:57,227 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True 06:25:57,228 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True 06:25:57,229 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True 06:25:57,233 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True 06:25:57,241 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaCheckStorageThread (139750826522368) 06:25:57,259 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaExecuteStorageThread (139750807631616) 06:25:57,334 INFO anaconda: using environment from kickstart: None 06:25:57,334 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaPayloadThread (139750908634880) 06:25:57,339 DEBUG anaconda: Waiting for thread AnaSourceWatcher to exit 06:25:57,339 DEBUG anaconda: Environment is not set, skip user packages settings 06:25:57,339 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: SoftwareSelectionSpoke 06:25:57,339 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaSoftwareWatcher (139750834915072) 06:25:57,345 DEBUG anaconda: Setting up repos: ['Server-HighAvailability', 'Server-ResilientStorage'] 06:25:57,367 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True 06:25:57,374 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True 06:25:57,374 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True 06:25:57,374 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True 06:25:57,374 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True 06:25:57,377 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda1) returning True 06:25:57,380 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda1) returning True 06:25:57,380 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda1) returning True 06:25:57,381 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_partition(sda1) returning True 06:25:57,384 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda1) returning True 06:25:57,388 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage2_device(sda1) returning True 06:25:57,401 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: SourceSpoke 06:25:57,404 DEBUG anaconda: Storage check started with constraints {'must_be_on_linuxfs': set(['/tmp', '/var', '/usr', '/home', '/', '/usr/lib', '/usr/share']), 'must_be_on_root': set(['/etc', '/bin', '/proc', '/sbin', '/dev', '/lib', 'lost+found', '/mnt', '/root']), 'min_ram': 410, 'req_partition_sizes': {}, 'min_root': Size('250 MiB'), 'must_not_be_on_root': set([]), 'root_device_types': set([]), 'min_partition_sizes': {'/boot': Size('200 MiB'), '/home': Size('100 MiB'), '/var': Size('384 MiB'), '/tmp': Size('50 MiB'), '/usr': Size('250 MiB')}}. 06:25:57,406 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_root. 06:25:57,405 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaSourceWatcher (139750860994304) 06:25:57,406 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_partition_sizes. 06:25:57,407 DEBUG anaconda: Waiting for thread AnaAddLayoutsInitThread to exit 06:25:57,408 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_partition_format_sizes. 06:25:57,409 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_bootloader. 06:25:57,409 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_gpt_biosboot. 06:25:57,410 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_swap. 06:25:57,410 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_swap_uuid. 06:25:57,413 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_mountpoints_on_linuxfs. 06:25:57,413 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_mountpoints_on_root. 06:25:57,414 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_mountpoints_not_on_root. 06:25:57,414 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_luks_devices_have_key. 06:25:57,415 DEBUG anaconda: Storage check finished with success. 06:25:57,415 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaCheckStorageThread (139750826522368) 06:25:57,460 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: StorageSpoke 06:25:57,466 INFO anaconda: spoke is not ready: StorageSpoke 06:25:57,467 INFO anaconda: setting StorageSpoke status to: Checking storage configuration... 06:25:57,471 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: SoftwareSelectionSpoke 06:25:57,476 INFO anaconda: fs space: 8188 MiB needed: 2861.02 MiB 06:25:57,505 INFO anaconda: spoke is ready: SourceSpoke